How to enable Grails application to send SMS via Twilio API

How to send SMS with Grails Application via Twilio Are you trying to send text messages from your Grails web application? If your answer is Yes then you are in luck. If your answer is No .. well... stick around... you'll learn something. Target audience: People interested in software development, Grails framework and Groovy programming language. This article may be more interesting if you already know Grails framework. What you need: A twilio account with your API keys The grails-twilio plugin Your grails application ( Grails version 2.x and above ) To create a twilio account, please visit . Copy your API Keys The twilio-grails plug-in provides sms sending capability to a Grails application via twilio api. Configuration Add twilio plugin Depending on what version of Grails you are using, open your buildConfig.groovy file or build.gradle file and add the following line. compile "org.grails.plugi...